Calling vs Career Women

Scripture Reading - 1 Timothy 5:14a KJV

I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, . . .

As we stated in the “First Calling” every person on the face of this earth has a “calling”. The “first calling” is the voice of the Lord trying to get your attention to be saved. Upon being saved by God through the confession of Jesus Christ as our Lord we will be moved toward God’s “Second Calling”. This “calling” we refer to as God’s “Second Calling” includes doing God’s perfect will for your life. In the preceding message we (ihlcc) spoke about how your natural job is typically what we refer to as your “career” because it is what you do every day. However, your “calling” represents who you are before God and what the Lord Jesus and Father God ordained you to be. Since we touched on this subject concerning men we thought it good to articulate some more details specific to women. Woman were ordained the first and original helpmate according to Genesis 2:18. This explains why so many women are always eager and looking to help. Yes, the “second calling” for most women is helping to support a bigger vision than themselves. This is why so many women generally look for the companionship (caring) for another. This “calling” to help others by being compassionate toward others is ordained of God because a loving heart comes directly from our Father God. It seems that many women have a good heart when it comes to caring for the underprivileged. We have seen this mothering “calling” take on children that are not their own to bring them into their very own family and treat then as their own natural born children. Yes, this spirit of adoption comes right from our Heavenly Father and it is that type of compassion that “called” us to be children of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This unconditional love for their family members has led many women to choose the “career path of homemaker” (which could be “called” family-maker). Although this occupation is not esteemed highly by those in the world system it is a true “calling” from God. Many women must make the choice to be a homemaker because financial demands on their time and efforts will compel them to work outside the home to make ends meet. This unfortunate circumstance forces many women into working secular jobs when their heart’s desire is to follow their “calling” to full-time motherhood from God. We (ihlcc) have met many women who want to stay at home with their loved children but feel torn between providing for their (the children’s) physical needs and being physically present to feed their spiritual needs of love and attention. We can only pray that every woman would know in their heart what they are “called” to do and do that faithfully unto the Lord. Also, those women that are not given the opportunity to stay at home with their children due to inadequate financial provision (single mothers, or mother with no other income) would have no shame or condemnation because we all know the Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father full understand when you cannot be home with your children full-time. We (ihlcc) have been in both circumstances and found that mature people (Christians) who know God will trust Him (God) no matter what. Every mother should believe that through God’s grace all things will work out when they obey whatever God is telling them to do. Yes, the Lord’s instructions for one mother may be different from another’s guidance but we can guarantee you this, “that their mothering heart to love is similar”. Most mothers want the absolute best for their children and they are typically the first people to sacrifice their own goods for the sake of the children. We must realize that loving children with the compassion of God is not automatic nor is it a natural byproduct of being a woman. No, the mothering heart of every good woman is a “calling from God” and it is a “calling” they cannot escape or overlook when the children are looking for your love. Therefore if you are in a position where your family needs your mothering compassion please freely give it to them because freely you have received from your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the precious Holy Spirit of Love. Amen!